
Introduction courses for master students

2024, EUR TESS

Geodetic reference systems
Satellite gravimetry
TD: geodetic time series analysis

PhD additional education missions

2020-2023, EOST

Tutorial classes in space geodesy for 1st year engineering students (Radar & INSAR)
Tutorial classes in geodesy for 2nd year engineering students (GNSS & reference frames)
Tutoring classes in Mathematics for 1st year bachelor students
Practical work in Python applied to geodesy for 1st year engineering students
Field school for 2nd year bachelor students (LIDAR)

Teaching as an IGN engineer at ENSG

2019, ENSG

Coaching of computer programming projects for 3rd year engineering students and Specialized Masters
Refresher course in geodesy and field school for 1st year technical degree students

2019-2024, ENSG, PPMD

Teaching General introduction to geodetic systems for 3rd year engineering students and Specialized Masters