

Lecomte, H., Rosat, S. and Mandea, M., Comparaisons des solutions gravimétriques spatiales GRACE avec les surcharges hydrologiques. Colloque du G2 November, 2021


Lecomte, H., Rosat, S. and Mandea, M., Comparison of SWARM and GRACE time-variable gravity field at low degree spherical harmonics. 11th Swarm Data Quality Workshop (poster) October, 2021


Lecomte, H., Rosat, S. and Mandea, M., The time-variable gravity field estimates and their impact in the detectability of the Earth’s core signals. 19th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides (virtual conference) June, 2021


Lecomte, H., Rosat, S. and Mandea, M., Study of the accuracy of monthly time-variable satellites gravity field estimates. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-4136 (virtual conference) April, 2021

[http | Abstract]